How to Find a Debt Collection Attorney

If you’re a business owner in Virginia or Maryland, you may eventually need to collect an outstanding debt from a delinquent customer. If your attempts to recover the debt on your own have proven unsuccessful, it’s time to consider enlisting the services of a professional debt collection attorney. But how do you go about finding […]
Join Gilliam & Mikula at the 2023 VMGMA Fall Conference!

The Virginia Medical Group Management Association (VMGMA) Fall Conference is happening soon (October 8-10, 2023), and we want you to be there! VMGMA conferences are a great place to meet other medical management professionals and vendors who can help you and your business succeed. It’s always a lot of fun, and the whole team at […]
Now Serving Maryland!

We’re excited to announce that we’re now licensed to operate and collect debt for businesses throughout the great state of Maryland! As one of Virginia’s most experienced and successful debt collection agencies, we’re a great match for any business in Maryland. Here’s what we can offer: Debt Collection Services in Maryland We are now offering […]
How a Debt Collection Agency Can Help Dentists Recover Outstanding Debt

As a dentist, you know that providing quality dental care is your top priority. But what happens when a patient fails to pay their bill? Delinquent payments can be a significant financial setback for your practice and take up much of your time and energy. That’s why many dental practices turn to debt collection agencies […]
Debt Recovery Solutions for Healthcare and Medical Businesses

Medical groups and healthcare agencies face a unique set of challenges when it comes to managing their finances. One of the biggest challenges is dealing with unpaid medical bills, which can quickly add up and have a significant impact on the organization’s finances. To address this issue, medical groups and healthcare agencies need a debt […]
Recovering Business Debt

More than likely, throughout the course of operating your business, you’ll find yourself in the unenviable position of being owed quite a bit of money that you aren’t able to collect on. Recovering business debt is a time-intensive, painstaking, and emotionally draining process that most businesses just don’t have the energy to engage in themselves. […]
Looking For “The Best Collection Agency Near Me?” You’ve Found Us!

If you found our site (and this blog) by searching for “the best collection agency near me”, then welcome! We think we qualify as the best collection agency near you for a number of reasons. We have decades of experience, use tried-and-true methods to collect, don’t get paid until we collect, and as attorneys, we […]
Why Hiring a Medical Collections Agency Makes Sense

If you’ve been on the business side of the healthcare industry long enough, you’ve undoubtedly seen how much uncollected medical debt is out there – and how it can have a profound negative impact on a company or medical group. When margins are thin, the amount of debt you collect can determine whether your medical […]
Businesses That Need Debt Collecting Agencies the Most

Right off the start, let’s clarify: any and all businesses that have a sizeable amount of outstanding debt will benefit from the services of a debt collecting agency like Gilliam & Mikula. That said, certain types of business models have the greatest need… and see the highest returns. We find that B2B and B2C businesses […]
How Debt Collecting Works

So, you’re thinking about hiring a debt collecting agency to pursue what you’re owed. Whether you’re looking for medical debt collection or commercial debt collection – you’ve made a great choice. However, we know you still have some questions about how the whole debt colleting process works, so let’s do a step-by-step walkthrough! Keep reading… […]