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Mid-Year Debt Collection

mid year debt collection

We’ve been in the debt collection business for a long time, so we know that the demand for debt collection increases as we head into the hot seasons. We call it Mid-Year Debt Collection time! No matter the financial situation or the economy – around June, people want to start collecting. Let’s take a look at why, and how we can help.

Mid-Year Debt Collection

Seasonality Affects Every Business

As we progress through another beautiful year here in Virginia, the demand for certain businesses goods and services goes down – and accordingly, so does their cash flow. When that happens, those businesses look at accounts receivable a lot more closely to determine if they can make up some of the lost ground. 

New Year’s Resolutions

The beginning of the year is generally a boom cycle for many of the businesses we work with – and not just because of New Year’s Resolutions! Businesses that closed their books for the year in December – and brought on new business at the beginning of the year – find out right about now which accounts just aren’t willing to pay. That’s when they call in the debt collection pros. 

It’s Just Time to Pay Up

Sometimes there’s just no good time to collect on a bad debt, so many companies choose the long days of summer to get started. After all, summer is as good a time as any to make moves on collecting outstanding debt. 

It’s Time For Mid-Year Debt Collection 

Whatever the reason, it’s time to get you paid. You’ve done your part of the contract – and it’s time for your customer or client to do theirs.

That’s where we come in. Not only are we professional debt collectors – we’re also attorneys… which means we have the full power of the law behind us when we go to collect. So – if you’re looking at your books and see a lot of outstanding debt, it’s time to start mid-year debt collection with the team at Gilliam & Mikula. Give us a call at 804-743-0900 or contact us online to get the process started!

At Gilliam & Mikula, we specialize in debt collection for businesses throughout Virginia. We are armed with years of experience and as attorneys, have the backing of the law… and when you hand off a delinquent account to us, you can get back to work. 

Begin the process by filling out the form below!

Gilliam & Mikula is centrally located in Richmond, Virginia, and serves clients throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our attorneys have over forty years of combined experience in various practice areas, representing individuals and businesses. We are licensed to practice in all General District Courts and Circuit Courts of the Commonwealth of Virginia including Central, Tidewater, and Northern Virginia areas, as well as Maryland.

The attorneys at Gilliam & Mikula are here to smoothly guide you through the “legal maze” and ensure that you achieve the most favorable outcome.

The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.  Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. 

Your reputation is as important to us as it is to you

Get in Touch Today To Begin the Debt Collection Process!