Hiring a medical debt collection agency can be a huge boon for your business. The bottom line is this: whether through enhanced collection capabilities, a higher success rate, or in the case of Gilliam & Mikula, the ability to use the legal system to collect on what you’re owed, a medical debt collection agency can make your medical business far more profitable.
Let’s take a look at how.
Debt Collection Agencies Have Better Collection Capabilities
As we’ve discussed many times on this blog before, a debt collection agency specializes in… well, debt collection. A debt collection agency has the tools, talent, experience, infrastructure, and know-how to get the job done. As a medical or healthcare business owner or operator, you’ve got other things to focus on.
You wouldn’t go to an orthopedist if you have a cavity – so why use anything but a medical debt collection agency when you need to collect?
Agencies have Superior Strategies
Do you know how to get in touch with a debtor who is avoiding your calls or has changed their number? What about if they’re ignoring your emails or letters? Say that you are able to get in touch with them – should you ask for payment in full, negotiate, or allow a payment plan? The questions on the best strategy to collect delinquent medical debt are endless.
When you hire an agency, you don’t need to worry about any of that. You let them handle the strategy, tactics, and everything that goes along with it. Through years of experience and training, they’ll know the best ways to collect in any situation.
Gilliam & Mikula Leverages the Legal System
While this isn’t the case for every debt collector out there, Gilliam & Mikula is a legal debt collection agency. That means we are able to leverage the legal system to collect on the medical debt your practice or firm is owed.
As attorneys, not only do we know every bit of Virginia debt collection law by heart, but we are able to use that knowledge to pursue the toughest cases through the legal system… all without damaging your reputation or taking up your time.
The vast majority of debtors will seek to avoid arbitration through the legal system, so it’s a powerful motivator for them to square up.
An Agency Will Have Much More Success Collecting Debt
With superior strategies, tools, and capabilities, a medical debt collection agency will have a much higher success rate when it comes to collecting the debt you’re owed. Better yet, agencies will be able to collect that debt for your business without wasting your valuable time… which means you can spend more time on what matters.
If your firm or practice isn’t able to collect on what you’re owed, your profitability is taking a major hit. We can help! To learn more fill out the form below.
Gilliam & Mikula is centrally located in Richmond, Virginia, and serves clients throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our attorneys have over forty years of combined experience in various practice areas, representing individuals and businesses. We are licensed to practice in all General District Courts and Circuit Courts of the Commonwealth of Virginia including, Central, Tidewater, and Northern Virginia areas.
The attorneys at Gilliam & Mikula are here to smoothly guide you through the “legal maze” and ensure that you achieve the most favorable outcome.
The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information.