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Different Types of Debt Collection Agencies


There are a few different types of debt collection agencies out there. Some agencies might not fit neatly in a certain category, but for the most part, a debt collection agency will be one of the four types listed below. Let’s take a look at each one and what makes each one of them different! […]

Payment Terms and Debt Collection

Payment Terms

When we onboard a new client, one of our first tasks is to review their contractual language… specifically, their payment terms. After all, if your contract’s payment terms are rock solid and agreed upon affirmatively by both parties, our ability to collect the debt can be improved. So, how do you know if your contract […]

Tips for Creating Wills & Trusts

2022 VMGMA Fall Conference

We know it isn’t something that people like to talk about, but you won’t be here forever. In the event of your passing, you can significantly ease the burden on your family if you’ve left clear instructions to them regarding how you want your earthly possessions to be handled. The best way to create legally […]

What Constitutes Possession of Drugs in Virginia?


In Virginia, it is illegal to possess certain controlled substances. Other drugs you can possess lawfully and without any recourse from the government if they find you with them. In some instances though, an otherwise illegal drug to possess is lawful to possess so long as the one possessing it holds a current prescription for […]