When we onboard a new client, one of our first tasks is to review their contractual language… specifically, their payment terms. After all, if your contract’s payment terms are rock solid and agreed upon affirmatively by both parties, our ability to collect the debt can be improved. So, how do you know if your contract is binding and you have a case when a debtor refuses to pay? Keep reading!
Your Payment Terms Can Influence Your Chance at Debt Collection
If your debtor contests your decision to collect their debt and lawyers up, the very first thing their legal team will do is comb through your contract’s payment terms with a fine-toothed comb. You can bet they’ll find it if the contract contains language irregularities, missing clauses, overly broad or unenforceable language, or terms.
How Do You Know If Your Payment Terms Are Enforceable?
Start on the Right Foot
The easiest way to be sure that your payment terms carry the weight of law for noncompliance is to hire a business law firm to write them from the get-go. Attorneys like the business law team here at Gilliam & Mikula have decades of experience in business law contracts and would be happy to create an ironclad set of payment terms to include in your contracts.
That can be a big ask for a startup, self-employ, or small business, but trust us when we say that the upfront cost of having seasoned professionals create your payment terms is a drop in the bucket compared to potential future losses incurred by a DIY contract.
Changing Mid-Stream
If that describes your business – the best time to act is right now, before you send out one more contract. Contact a business law attorney immediately to verify that your payment terms are enforceable; if not, update them as soon as possible.
Your Signature, Please
Sometimes, the simple things are the most overlooked. Even the most rock-solid payment terms can be rendered null and void in cases without an affirmed signature. While verbal contracts are enforceable in most cases, having them in writing, with express consent from the other party, is the way to go.
In the case of digitized contracts, checkboxes are okay, but signatures are still vital.
Glass Houses
Finally, be sure you held up to your part of the contract before calling in the debt collectors. We’re not casting any doubt – but you can be sure that if it comes to litigation, the debtor will do their best to do just that.
Your payment terms clearly outline the specific deliverables your business will complete and what the client can expect from you.
Do You Need Consultation on Your Payment Terms? We Can Help!
Gilliam & Mikula is a debt collection agency – but as we’ve written about before, we’re a bit different than most. We are attorneys, and on top of being able to leverage the legal system to get you what you’re owed, we offer several other services – including business legal consulting.
If you’re concerned that your payment terms are too lax, unclear, or unenforceable – we are uniquely capable of serving two essential functions for your business: we will ensure that your contracts are airtight and enforceable, which allows us to actively pursue what you’re owed to ensure that you’re paid. Not many other debt collection agencies can say that!
If we can help, get in touch! Please fill out the form below, and we will be back in touch with you shortly.
Gilliam & Mikula is centrally located in Richmond, Virginia, and serves clients throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our attorneys have over forty years of combined experience in various practice areas, representing individuals and businesses. We are licensed to practice in all General District Courts and Circuit Courts of both Maryland and the Commonwealth of Virginia, including Central, Tidewater, and Northern Virginia areas.
The attorneys at Gilliam & Mikula are here to guide you through the “legal maze smoothly” and ensure you achieve the most favorable outcome.
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